I stopped by Fort A.P. Hill on the way to Baltimore to take a break and make a couple cast at Lunker Pond. As I approached the shore through the brush, I noticed the water level was considerably higher than my last visit in 2017. I initially chalked it up to Spring rains but I was wrong.
The breach in the dam was repaired by local beavers. This made the water higher than I ever saw it. This took all the leaves and dead vegetation on the shore and added it to the lily pads.
The old dam that is 25 meters out from the current dam breast is totally underwater. Unfortunately the lily pads are so thick that fishing from the shore is not productive.
When I tried my luck, I had zero strikes. There was a major storm coming in so I will account for the bad luck to the nasty weather front.
Below is the gap in the dam.
See how beavers repaired the breach.